What to Do if You’re in a Car Accident in California but You Live in Las Vegas or Henderson Nevada
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If you’ve been in a car accident in California but live in Nevada, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. After all, the laws and regulations governing car accidents can be confusing, especially when they involve two different states. Fortunately, at TheOneLawyer.com we are licensed in California and Nevada and are knowledgeable of both Nevada and California laws. We can guide you through the process. This blog post will provide an overview of what you should do if you’ve been in a car accident in California but live in Nevada. Always follow the next five steps if you have been in a car accident.
- Determine if Anyone Needs Life Saving Care
- Dial 911 and Request Emergency Assistance Immediately
- Obtain Information for All the Vehicles Involved and Witness’s
- Take Pictures Of the Scene, All Vehicles and Write Down the Location
- Seek medical attention and call us at TheOneLawyer.com.
First, Determine if Anyone Needs Life Saving Care and Call 911 Immediately and Advise the Operator to Send
After a car accident, the first thing to do is to check for injuries. If you have been in a car accident, it is especially important to assess any injuries that may have occurred. If you are on vacation and are involved in a highway car accident, or any other out of state accident, it is important to seek medical attention right away. The venue and jurisdiction of your claim could depend on where the other drivers involved live as well as where the accident occurred, so make sure to take photos of the accident scene and obtain all the other drivers’ license information. Also, be sure to write down where you are when the accident happens.
If you are dealing with insurance companies as a result of your car accident while traveling, or if you need a lawyer to help with your case, call us at TheOneLawyer.com. We provide legal assistance to car accident victims and have 15 years of insurance defense experience to fight the insurance companies for you. If you live in Nevada but had a car accident in California, don’t hesitate to call us at TheOneLaywer.com for your vacation car accident or accident while traveling.
Second, Dial 911 and Request Emergency Assistance Immediately
If you were in an accident in California but live in Nevada, it is essential that you call the police. Having a police report on file is important for any insurance claim. When you call the police, they will document the location of the accident since you are traveling and may not be familiar with the area. Taking pictures of the accident scene can also help to strengthen your case. The police report will provide details of what happened and will be useful when dealing with insurance companies.
TheOneLawyer.com recommends calling for help if you have been involved in an out-of-state car accident while on vacation. With over 15 years of insurance defense experience, they can help you fight for the compensation you deserve and can offer advice on how to handle the insurance companies. Contact us now if you have been involved in an accident in California but live in Nevada.
Obtain Information for All the Vehicles Involved and Witness’s
If you are involved in a car accident while traveling in California but you live in Nevada, it is important to exchange information with the other driver or drivers involved. Be sure to obtain all of the witness and other driver’s information yourself and keep this information in a safe place such as your phone. Record the state and license plates of all the vehicles involved. It is also wise to take photos of the accident scene to document what happened, especially if you are involved in a car accident while traveling outside of Nevada. Photos could be very helpful in helping explain how the accident occurred, proving liability, and getting necessary compensation.
When dealing with insurance companies, particularly those from out of state, you may need to seek help from a lawyer. TheOneLawyer.com can provide legal advice and assistance for car accidents that occur on vacation or out of state. With over 10 years’ experience in insurance defense law, and 10 years representing injured clients, we are experienced and can provide valuable insight when dealing with insurance companies. If you have been injured in a highway car accident and need a lawyer, call TheOneLawyer.com for help. Even though it was an accident on vacation, we understand that there are still applicable laws and liabilities within each state. In addition, we bring fifteen years of insurance defense experience which can give you peace of mind during a difficult time.
See A Doctor As Soon As Possible if You Do Not Go to a Hospital and Report All Pain
If you have been in a car accident while traveling it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you feel fine at the time of the accident, you may have injuries that you don’t fell until later. For this reason, it is important to document your injuries by visiting a doctor and getting a complete physical after an accident on vacation. At TheOneLawyer.com we can help. Our experience can help you when dealing with insurance companies after a vacation car accident. With our assistance, we can ensure all paperwork is correctly filled out and we will be able to answer any questions you may have concerning the case. Additionally, we are licensed in both California and Nevada. We know how to handle cases like these and will provide the obtain the best recovery for you.
Contact Your Own Insurance Company Immediately
If you had an accident while on vacation in California, but you live in Nevada, you need to contact your own insurance company. If you live in Nevada and have Nevada insurance, your rates cannot be raised if the accident was not your fault. NRS 687B.385
In Fact, NRS 687B.385 states as follows:
NRS 687B.385 Refusal to issue, cancellation, nonrenewal or increase in premium due to claims for which insured was not at fault, claims for which insurer made no payment or recovered entirety of payment or inquiries relating to a claim prohibited. An insurer shall not refuse to issue, cancel, refuse to renew or increase the premium for renewal of a policy of motor vehicle insurance covering private passenger cars or commercial vehicles as a result of any:
1. Claims made under any policy of insurance with respect to which the insured was not at fault;
2. Claims made under any policy of insurance for which the insurer has not made any payment or for which the insurer recovered the entirety of the insurer’s payment on the claim by means of salvage, subrogation or another mechanism; or
3. Inquiries made regarding an actual or potential claim under any policy of insurance regarding:
(a) The existence of insurance coverage for any matter; or
(b) Any hypothetical or informational matter pertaining to insurance.
Getting your car fixed and into a rental may take longer than usual since the other insurance companies will have to investigate the accident, which could take up to 30 days if you rely on the other driver’s insurance. Don’t be afraid to call your own company. Also, you check to make sure you have rental coverage on your policy It’s generally not expensive coverage and it can save you a huge headache. Don’t find this out when it’s too late.
Jurisdiction for a Possible Lawsuit
If you have been in a car accident while traveling, or an out of state car accident like one in California when you live in Nevada, you may be wondering which state has jurisdiction over your claim. Generally, the law of the state where the accident occurred will control any legal action taken against the other party involved. In other words, if you were in a highway car accident in California, but you live in Nevada, the laws of California would apply to your case.
If you find yourself dealing with a vacation car accident and need a lawyer, TheOneLawyer.com can provide you with legal advice and representation. Jurisdiction can be a complicated issue. For example, jurisdiction is proper in the state where the accident occurred, or in any state where at least one defendant (at fault drivers) lives.
Call Us at TheOneLawyer.com
If you are involved in a car accident while traveling or vacationing in California, but live in Nevada, it is important to hire a lawyer who is licensed in both states. At TheOneLawyer.com, we have 10 years of insurance defense experience and 10 years’ experience helping injured victims. In addition, we are licensed in both Nevada and California so that we can represent you no matter where your accident happened.
It is possible that if none of the at-fault drivers in the accident live in Nevada, you may need to file a claim in California if it cannot be settled with the insurance company. If your lawyer is not licensed in California, the insurance company may try to settle your claim for less since they know your current lawyer cannot bring a lawsuit in California.
Therefore, if you are involved in an out-of-state car accident, it is important to hire a lawyer that is licensed in both states and can provide you with the legal representation that you need. information with all parties involved and call the police to report the accident. If you are dealing with an out of state car accident or a car accident while on vacation and need legal assistance, contact TheOneLawyer.com today for help!
It can be difficult to remain positive and practice gratitude in the aftermath of an accident. Whether it’s a car accident while traveling, a highway accident on vacation, or an out of state accident in California when you live in Nevada, all accidents can be overwhelming. We are thankful that you have chosen TheOneLawyer.com to fight for you and your family. With 15 years experience dealing with insurance companies in defense matters, we can help you receive compensation for your injuries and pain and suffering.
Practicing gratitude every day is important for our general mental health and well-being. In the modern world our lives are full of stress. Without gratitude, we can easily be overwhelmed. On this day, for a peaceful Saturday afternoon writing by a warm firm watching the cold blustery day through the window with a hot coffee. By practicing gratitude regularly, we will all be calmer and have more inner peace. Each of my blogs will contain something I am grateful for and at the end of the year, they will be listed in a year end blog. I hope that you will also have a long list by the end of 2023 of your grateful affirmations. I hope that by thinking about gratitude, I will find the positive of each day, even the days that are demanding. In our practice we fight daily with corporations for our clients, and we are grateful you have chosen TheOneLawyer.com to fight you and your family after an accident. We are here to help you receive compensation for the injuries you have sustained and the pain a suffering you have endured following an accident. Please do not hesitate to call us anytime you have a legal question or you or a loved one has sustained an injury at 702-450-4868 and text 24/7 at 702-600-0032.