Get Expert Car Accident Attorney Representation in Henderson & Las Vegas
Henderson car accident lawyer Laura Payne, Esq of personal injury law firm,, PLLC, can handle any kind of automobile accident case!
Have You or a Loved One Been Involved In a Car Accident?
Without warning, a car accident can completely disrupt your life. According to car accident lawyers, regardless of the type of car involved, those involed in a car accident case can have serious pain and suffering – severe emotional, physical and financial effects on your life including:
- Extensive medical bills
- Forced extended time period off work
- Litigation from the other party
- Persistent pain and injuries with effects that continue for months, even years
Laura Payne, Esq is a car accident attorney in Henderson with over 20 years of experience in dealing with insurance companies, and fights them to obtain justice for you in any type of car accident scenario including:
- Careless Drivers
- Defective Vehicles
- Distracted Driver Accidents
- Drunk Driver Accidents
- Hit and Run Accidents
- Roll Over Accidents
- Single Car Accidents
Car Accident Victims Can Sustain Life Long Injuries
Following a serious car accident, injuries can have a life long impact. They can affect future earnings and activities. At the law Offices of Laura Payne, Esq, we obtain compensation for car accident victims for all types of injuries including:
- Broken Bones
- Emotional Distress
- Loss Of Limbs
- Neck And Back Injuries
- Quadriplegia / Paraplegia
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Serious Lacerations
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Wrongful Death
What to Do If You’re Involved in a Car Accident – At the Scene of an Accident
Henderson car accident attorney lawyer Layra Payne, Esq recommends to always call the police and if possible, wait for them to arrive – it is very important to have a police report for a car wreck, if possible!
However, the police in Nevada often are unable to respond to car accidents.
Therefore, you may need to gather some of the critical information that an officer of the law would gather including:
- Exchange name, phone and address
- Obtain the insurance information of the other driver
- Photograph the other driver’s license
- Photograph the other driver’s license plate
- Take a photo of the other driver
- Take photographs of the vehicles especially documenting the location where the vehicles came to rest following the accident
Always remain calm and courteous as your words and actions may be relived in Court, and seek medical attention quickly.
Attorney Laura Payne, Esq Stays On Top of the Insurance Claims Process
Injured car accident victims in desperate circumstances should not rely on verbal statements by insurance companies. The insurance company is not on your side. If the insurance company promises to pay medical expenses, they may later attempt to pay only what they deem reasonable and not your actual bill.
Victims also need rental cars and prompt service. Often, the insurance company simply ignores your claim. Fortunately, Nevada is a state that adheres to the Unfair Practices in Settling Claims Act found at NRS 686A.130. This law prohibits delays in paying claims and unreasonable conduct by insurance companies.
However, without legal counsel, this law is often violated.
In summary, insurance companies are required:
- Not to force unnecessary litigation or appeals
- Not to misrepresent facts
- Not to use of repetitive forms, to settle claims fairly and timely
- Pay claims promptly
- To act promptly, investigate, determine fault
Unfortunately, this law is repeatedly violated by insurance companies. Retain experienced henderson car accident lawyers to protect your rights; see:
Recent Rise In Car Accident Fatalities
National Statistics: Sadly, 2015 saw the largest percentage rise in auto accident fatalities in the past 50 years, according to the National Safety Council and each and every person involved should work with a Henderson auto accident attorney if in the Las Vegas metro area.
In 2015 alone, 38,300 people were killed on U.S. roads, and 4.4 million were seriously injured; see:
* These numbers are startling.
Nevada Statistics: In Nevada, 2015 marked the fourth straight year in which car accident fatalities increased. Tragically, 321 people were killed on Nevada roadways in 2015.