Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorney Representation in Henderson & Las Vegas
If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcyce accident, please contact the personal injury law firm of motorcycle accident attorney Laura Payne, Esq today at (702) 450-4868, or by sending a request for a free consultation!
Motorcycle Fatality Statistics
Motorcycle riders are at higher risk for injuries requiring medical treatment than other motorists – incurring lost wages from work due to an accident is also an issue!
When you need a Henderson and Las Vegas motorcycle accident law firm, you can count on The One Lawyer law firm! Your options for local Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorneys are large, but choosing the one lawyer you should work with is a daunting task! You need a good motorcycle accident attorney who has extensive experience with personal injury cases in Vegas, and that is where Laura Payne comes in!
Schedule a free consultation with Henderson / Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyer Laura Payne to discuss your motorcycle accident claim using our secure consultation request form today!
Shocking and sadly, 5,010 people were killed in motorcycle accidents in 2015 in the US; see:
This was a 10% increase from 2014 and only the third time in US history that more than 5,000 motorcyclists were killed in crashes in a year according to the Governors Highway Safety Association; see:
Possible reasons for the increase include increased permissiveness in some states in allowing riding without a helmet. These statistics are a stark reminder of how motorcyclists are at an increased risk of life threatening injuries.
Seek Legal Counsel As Soon As Possible
If you or a loved one is involved in a motorcycle accident, it is critical to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Injuries are much greater in motorcycle accidents; however, no greater level of insurance is required for a collision with a motorcycle.
Maximize Available Coverage: It is imperative to maximize all coverage available, including health insurance, medical payments coverage, underinsured coverage and tort liability coverage to compensate an injured motorcyclist. Often there can be commercial policies involved as well to provide compensation.
To learn more about your insurance, and whether it is sufficient or not, request an insurance policy review today!
Frequency of Motorcycle Fatalities vs. Auto Fatalities
It is an unfortunate reality that motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in an accident than motor vehicles; see:
As the statistics illustrate, half of all motorcycle collisions involve a driver of a vehicle who is often negligent. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2006, 13.10 cars out of 100,000 ended up in fatal crashes. The rate for motorcycles is 72.34 per 100,000 registered motorcycles. In fact, a motorcyclists’ risk of a fatal crash is 35 times greater than a passenger car. There are approximately 4 million registered motorcycles in the United States.
Sadly, a primary cause of serious injury or death to motorcyclists is the negligence of drivers in passenger vehicles.
There are a number of ways motorcycle accidents occur and the following charts illustrate the most common types of motorcycle accidents:
Motorcycle Safety Precautions: Wear a Helmet
At the personal injury law firm of Laura Payne,Esq., we hope all riders wear helmets. We urge all riders of open air vehicles, including motorcycles, ATV’s and four-wheelers to always wear a helmet. Only 19 states require riders to wear a helmet, and Nevada is one of them.
In 2012, Michigan saw a 23% increase in motorcyclist fatalities following the repeal of the states helmet law. According to the National Highway Traffic Safe