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Henderson Left Turn Accident Leaves on Dead
Sadly, this is not a rear headline in our city. Recently, a driver was injured in an accident at Eastern and Wigwam in Henderson will traveling through the intersection when another driver made an unsafe left turn in front of them. Traffic accidents in Henderson Nevada are causing death and destruction all too frequently in our city. There are many types of auto accidents that lead to tragedy. https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/henderson/henderson-police-urge-drivers-to-slow-down-after-recent-deadly-crashes-2542184/ In this blog, I will talk about left turn accidents.
What You Need to Know About Left Turn Car Accidents
If you live in or are visiting Henderson, Nevada, it’s important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding left turn car accidents. As the second largest city in the state, Henderson sees its fair share of vehicle collisions, including those involving left turns. Knowing the Nevada laws that apply to these types of accidents can help you understand your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve if you’re ever involved in one. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what you need to know about left turn car accidents in Henderson, Nevada.
Who Is At Fault In A Left Turn Car Accident?
When it comes to left turn car accidents in Henderson, Nevada, the answer as to who is at fault often depends on the specific circumstances of the accident. Generally speaking, the driver attempting to make the left turn is usually liable for any resulting damage, as they must yield to oncoming traffic. However, there are some exceptions. If the driver turning left has a green permissive turn arrow, they have the legal right of way and are not at fault for the accident.
If the driver attempting to make the left turn was not paying attention and failed to follow the appropriate traffic rules by yielding the right of way, they will be liable.
In order to determine who is at fault in a left turn car accident, it is important for police officers or insurance adjusters to thoroughly investigate the accident and all its contributing factors. This includes reviewing witness statements, analyzing any available video footage, and examining evidence from both drivers. All of this evidence can then be used to determine who should be held liable for the accident. The law for left turn rules int Nevada can be found at NRS 484B.253 which states as follows:
NRS 484B.253 Vehicle turning left.
NRS 484B.253 Vehicle turning left. The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard, but such driver, having so yielded and having given a signal when and as required, may make such left turn and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection from the opposite direction shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle making the left turn.
How do insurance companies handle these types of accidents?
When it comes to left turn car accidents in Henderson, Nevada, insurance companies are typically tasked with determining who is at fault. Generally speaking, the driver who initiated the left turn will be found liable if they did not have a permissive green turn signal.
In some instances, the law may determine that both drivers are equally responsible for the accident, in which case the insurance company will need to decide how to split up responsibility and payouts. To determine this, they will take a look at the situation as a whole, including who had the right of way, traffic signs or signals at the time of the accident, and any other contributing factors that may have caused the accident such as excessive speed.
Once responsibility has been determined, the insurance company will work to reimburse each driver accordingly. The amount of compensation each party receives will depend on a variety of factors, including any injuries sustained and the amount of property damage caused by the accident. Additionally, the amount of coverage each party has will play a role in how much each person is reimbursed. At TheOneLawyer.com, we offer free consultations to help potential clients answer these questions.
In cases where one party does not have insurance, an injury accident attorney can help locate possible coverages available. In these situations, hiring an attorney to assist in ensuring fair compensation is received for your injuries will be important.
What if the other driver doesn’t have insurance?
If the other driver involved in a left turn car accident in Henderson, Nevada doesn’t have insurance, an attorney can help you locate coverage for your injuries. Depending on your own car insurance policy, you may be able to use uninsured motorist coverage to cover some of the costs.
Uninsured motorist coverage is an optional addition to your car insurance policy that will provide protection for you if you get into an accident with an uninsured driver. This type of coverage will pay for medical expenses and other losses. It can also provide protection against hit and run accidents. The amount of coverage provided by an uninsured motorist policy will depend on the terms of your policy.
If you are considering adding uninsured motorist coverage to your policy, it is important to check with your insurance company to see what types of coverage they offer. While it is an additional cost, it can be beneficial if you are ever in an accident with an uninsured driver.
How can an attorney help?
If you have been involved in a left turn car accident in Henderson, Nevada, an attorney can help you recover money for any injuries you may have sustained. An attorney can help you understand your legal rights, such as whether or not you are entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. An accident attorney can help you file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company and negotiate a fair settlement. If the other driver does not have insurance, an attorney can help you pursue a lawsuit against them in court and/or make a claim on your own insurance. An experienced attorney can provide sound advice and guidance to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. At TheOneLawyer.com we obtain all the evidence relevant to your accident to uncover any information that might be useful to strengthen your claim. We will use all available evidence and testimony to build a strong case on your behalf. And at TheOnelawyer.com, we always prepare every case to be ready for trial should it become necessary.
What Type of Damages Can I Recover in a Left Turn Accident?
In Nevada, compensatory damages may be available to those hurt in a left turn car accident to compensate for expenses for medical care, lost wages, loss of future earnings, and pain and suffering. The plaintiff may still be entitled to damages even if they may have contributed to the accident in some way. As long as the defendant driver bore at least 50% of the blame for the injuries, you may still be entitled to compensation under Nevada’s comparative negligence statutes. This is why it is important to discuss your case with an injury attorney as soon as possible.
Type of Injuries Sustained in Left Turn Accidents
Left turn accidents often involve a high rate of speed and can cause extensive injuries and damages. Common injuries include, fractured bones, severe bruising, organ damage burn injuries form airbags, spinal injuries, traumatic brain injury or even death.
What You Should Do Following a Left Turn Car Accident?
Injuries form someone’s negligence in left turn accidents can be serious and cause great financial burden. At TheOneLawyer.com we can immediately help with the financial strain and make sure you receive the medical care that you need. If you or someone that you love has been injured in a left turn accident due to the negligence of another, call our office right away. We have over 20 years’ experience helping people receive compensation for their injuries and recover financial losses following these type of accidents. If you have a question about any type of accident involving a personal injury, whether from slip and fall or a car accident or a or any type of injury, please don’t hesitate to call us at 702-450-4868.
Practicing gratitude for simple joys is important for our mental health. In the modern age our lives are filled with stress and struggle daily. Without gratitude, we can be easily depleted. On this day, I am grateful for this lite dusting of snow that is so rare but so beautiful in the desert. By practicing gratitude regularly, we will all be kinder and better humans. Each of my blogs will contain something I am grateful for and at this time next year, they will be listed. I hope that you will also have a long list by the end of 2023. I wish that by reflecting on gratitude, I will find the positive of each day, even the days that are tense and overwhelming. In our practice we fight persistently with corporations for our clients every day and we are grateful you have selected TheOneLawyer.com to fight for you and your family after an accident. We are here to help you recover the injuries and pain a suffering you have endured from an accident. Please call us anytime you have a legal question or you or a loved one has sustained an injury at 702-450-4868 and text 24/7 at 702-600-0032.