Coverage for your medical needs in the event you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver is called UM/UIM coverage on your insurance policy.
These coverages are sold together. UM insurance stands for uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage applies if the driver that hit you has no insurance at all. Unfortunately in the state of Nevada over 30% of all drivers on the road are not insured. The chances that you will be in a collision with a driver without insurance are three out of 10. It is important to protect yourself and your family from uninsured drivers. By purchasing uninsured motorist coverage, you will have peace of mind that if you are struck by one of the many uninsured drivers in the state of Nevada, that you and your passengers will be covered by your own insurance
UIM coverage stands for under insured motorist coverage. This coverage is always sold together with uninsured motorist coverage. That is why you will see it delineated as UM/UIM on your insurance policy that you received in the mail. In Nevada, the state only requires that a driver carry policy limits of $15,000 per person and $30,000 for total coverage per traffic accident. Nevada is one of the five lowest required minimum states in the United States. With such a low limit, $15,000 will not begin to cover any serious injury sustained in an auto accident. UIM coverage protects you when the other drivers insurance is not enough to cover your injuries. For example, if you are struck by a drunk driver and your emergency room bill is $25,000, and that driver has a $15,000 insurance policy, your underinsured motorist coverage will cover you for the additional injuries as well as the mental anguish and pain and suffering that you have gone through. I recommend that all my clients purchase UM/UIM insurance coverage to protect themselves and their love ones from uninsured and underinsured drivers in the state of Nevada.