When purchasing insurance, it is very important to understand the different coverages available and how they can protect you. Many clients come to my office and state they have “full coverage”. When insurance companies use the term “full coverage,” they are simply referring to the fact that you carry liability and collision. This means that your vehicle damage is also covered, less your deductible, in an accident. The term “full coverage” has nothing to do with coverage for injury to yourself or your passengers. There are many coverages available to you, some at a very low cost, that can significantly protect your interests if you are involved in an accident. As many as one third of Nevada drivers are uninsured at any given time on the roadway. It is imperative that you protect yourself in the event that you are struck by one of these uninsured drivers.
Coverages available to protect you include medical payments coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, rental coverage, towing coverage, and underinsured coverage. When purchasing insurance, whether online or with an agent, it is important to review these types of coverages and the cost involved. A small increase in your insurance can save you and your family from extreme financial hardship in the event that you are injured or sustain property damage caused by an uninsured driver. Please do not hesitate to call my office if you have any questions regarding your insurance coverage.